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1 Taranaki Street, Wellington | Box Office Ph: 04 801 7992

Circa has been a champion of New Zealand theatre for over 45 years. We are artist-centric — we believe that by supporting artists creatively and financially we keep our audiences engaged and entertained. Our financial resources are spent on artists and productions in preference to management and administration. Eighty percent of the ticket price you pay goes to the artists’ and writers’ royalties. The remainder of our running and building costs are met through grants, sponsorship, and donations from theatre lovers.

Support Circa Theatre Today

Help us to continue to support artists and practitioners by refreshing and maintaining Circa’s infrastructure and facilities and donate any amount today.

Circa is registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 (registration number CC31347).  Individual income taxpayers may claim a 33.33% deduction for all gifts of $5 or more.

Regular Giving

Help us to build a resilient future for Circa by setting up a regular gift. Weekly, fortnightly and monthly options available.

Become a Friend of Circa

Friends of Circa are a core part of the Circa Theatre and Wellington performing arts whānau. The talented performers and creative teams behind every show at Circa work hard to bring you compelling, honest and original theatre. Your subscription will help us to continue supporting artists to produce high-quality theatre experiences.

Top Tip: These subscriptions also make great gifts for fellow theatre lovers!

A 12-month annual subscription of $75.00 will give you access to the following benefits:

  • Two tickets at our special Friends price of $38 each for the first two weeks of every show season
  • You will receive a monthly newsletter with special behind-the-scenes access and content
  • Access to our exclusive Booking Service where Box Office staff will call to arrange your tickets
  • Invitations to Q&As with artists and performers, and other special events
  • Invitation to join our social group where Friends of Circa discuss the latest shows
  • 10% discount on merchandise

1. To become a Friend or renew your Friends membership

You can do so here or call Circa’s Box Office 04 801 7992

2. To update your contact information if you are an existing Friend of Circa

Please call our Box Office on 04 801 7992 or email circa@circa.co.nz

Our Sponsors

Circa’s Sponsors provide cash and in-kind support. Their invaluable contribution enables our actors, directors, designers, technicians, stage managers, and publicists to work viably while undertaking a production at Circa.

We are very thankful for the Principal Play Sponsors who contribute to specific productions, to provide additional care when it is needed.  Most of our Principal Play Sponsors are individuals or families, whose generous philanthropy is targeted to help where it can best be used.

Theatre Artists Charitable Trust (TACT)

Circa Theatre runs a Theatre Artists Charitable Trust (TACT) to provide financial support to the creative artists (actors, playwrights, directors, etc.) during the initial stages of play production and rehearsal.

You can donate by making a payment through Internet Banking.

  • Account name: Theatre Artists Charitable Trust
  • Account number: 01-0505-0636362-00
  • Particular: <your name>
  • Code: <your phone number>
  • Reference: Donation

Note: Please email confirmation of your donation to Chrissy at partnership@circa.co.nz

Theatre Artists Charitable Trust is a charitable trust registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 (registration number CC28898). The Inland Revenue Department allows individuals to claim 33.33% rebate for all donations of $5 or more up to the value of their income.