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1 Taranaki Street, Wellington | Box Office Ph: 04 801 7992
Duration: 14 - 18 Nov
Price: $17 - $32

The Swing – in Motion
By Helen Pearse-Otene
Directed by Jim Moriarty
Filmed by Isaac Te Reina

“Powerful, profound, haunting, healing: a must see.”

Te Rākau Theatre presents a unique opportunity to preview Helen Pearse-Otene’s critically acclaimed play, The Swing, on the big screen this November.

In response to feedback from communities around Aotearoa, Te Rākau has produced a professional quality digital recording of The Swing and is inviting audiences to the premiere public screening at Circa Theatre.

Mirroring the pūrakau of Tāne Mahuta and Hine Nui Te Po, The Swing – in Motion provides a detailed, researched and caring account of one family’s attempt to manage ngau whiore (sexual abuse) and whakamomori (suicide) and navigate a process of restoration.

After watching the motion picture, audiences are invited to join a kōrero with kaituhi (author) Helen Pearse-Otene, kaitohu (director) Jim Moriarty, and other members of the creative team behind this moving digital experience.

This experience has been expertly crafted to bring the same uplifting, engaging and brave kōrero to the floor as the original live theatre version.

In addition to its value as a digital theatre piece, The Swing – in Motion is an ideal starting point for iwi, statutory agencies, health professionals, therapists, social services, training institutions, researchers and community advocates seeking professional or educational development. Find out more about wānanga available in 2024 on our website.

The film is 80 minutes long followed by a 10 minute interval for light refreshments and a 30 minute wānanga. The creative team invite all audience members to stay for the whakanoa, and to let us know of your accessibility requirements ahead of time.

Content advisory: The Swing contains references to family violence, sexual abuse and suicide. Content and language that may offend or trigger some viewers. Recommended 15+ years, parental discretion advised.

Duration: 14 – 18 Nov
Location: Circa Two
Price: $17 – $32
Groups: 10+ $25

Tuesday 14 November – 6pm
Wednesday 15 November – 6pm
Thursday 16 November – 6pm
Friday 17 November – 6pm
Saturday 18 November – 7pm

Reviews and community feedback

“Powerful, profound, haunting, healing: a must see.” – Lynda Chanwai-Earl for Theatreview

“It absolutely triggered me in the best way possible. Every time I heard Rewa’s name all I could think about was my cousins, nephews and mokopuna.” – Audience member

“We have been wanting to take disclosure wānanga to Marae [in our rohe]. I just didn’t know ‘how’ to start those conversations. After seeing your show, you are the ‘how.’” – Social service provider